Your Best Way to Navigate

Discovering who you are at your soul’s level brings a brand new focus to your life!

Soul Realignment® is an awakening experience reminding you of who you have come here to be.

Hi! My Name is Marge Brown, certified Soul Realignment® practitioner. Thank you for visiting my site and taking an interest in your soul. Soul Realignment® is Re-Aligning your soul to your primary energy and your soul’s unique attributes. This is a life changing process. It is not about transformation. It is about Transmutation! That means it is bringing you into your whole new Self.

My primary energy is divine compassion. My soul attributes are that of a change agent on the planet. I have great compassion for all of humanity and as most of us agree we're in the process of some really big changes. This is why I am called to do this work. I'm here to help anyone who wants to unfold to their highest soul’s evolution and live from their highest Self. As each of us learns who we are at soul level and how to contribute our best gifts, our unique talents, we are creating the New Earth. This is why you and I are here NOW on Earth.

Why It Seems Impossible to Change

Having counseled many, many people over throughout the years I have been a witness to intelligent, well intentioned, and self disciplined people who wanted to make changes and could not succeed. Now I understand why.

“Since my Soul Realignment reading with Marge Brown 3 months ago, there have been  substantial changes in my life.  I feel clearer and lighter in my energy and intentions, more deeply connected with my own soul and others and freer of many blocks and negative thought forms that have impacted me my whole life!  Marge guided me through this process gently and supportively and was always there as questions or issues came up.  I am highly recommending this to all my friends and loved ones who are open to the healing and transformation this process provides.”  –-Julia Hobson, Ontario, Canada

Throughout our lifetimes we make decisions that go against our true nature, our soul. We make them to get along with people and sometimes to protect our loved ones.We make these choices even though it is not what our intuition is guiding us to do. Once we make these choices they continue to play out in our lives over and over again. We know our subconscious mind runs our life 95% of the time. The challenge is, we don't know all the experiences we've had through our lifetimes and what patterns continue to repeat. Are you ready to start a new life? If so, click my email button below!

What Experiences Are in Our Soul’s Records

Which May Be Holding Us Back?

We don’t know do we?

Repeated patterns of relationship challenges, wrong career choices, financial challenges, etc. are indications. Once these patterns in your soul’s record are cleared and dissolved, they are no longer the patterns which will run your life. This work is truly life altering.

“What I have experienced after Marge did a Soul Realignment for me has been miraculous! Decades of struggling family relationships have been smoothed out, and I'm experiencing stronger relationships with my siblings than ever before!”   –-Rev. Sandy Boyer, MD

Are you ready to clear what has been holding you back? If so, click the email button below.

Results Expected from a Soul Realignment?

Here is what some clients have reported:

 “Marge has a true gift connecting people to their pure Soul Essence through her Soul Realignment work.  I feel even more deeply aligned with the work I’m doing with more focus and clarity. I feel more lightness in my relationships and my daily life.” –-Natalie Forstbauer, Editor, Heart and Soil magazine

“Although Soul Realignment was a new concept to me, I had an impulse to give it a try.  I know Marge as a highly spiritual person that I trusted to guide me through the process. I received valuable information regarding my Soul’s contracts, and blocks to my energy field.  The process gave me a deeper understanding of my life's purpose and allowed me to get in alignment with my true Self.  I highly recommend Marge and Soul Realignment with its continued incredible benefits.”   –- Linda Sainz, CA                                 

“I enjoyed having a Soul Realignment session with Marge very much. I gained insights that helped me understand some things about my life that I had not known before. It was enlightening and refreshing.”   –-Rev. Donna Loflin, FL         



Examples of Client Issues Cleared:

  • Bargains/Negative Agreements Made with siblings in past lives strain current sibling relationships.

  • Spiritual Vows (e.g. vows of silence, chastity, etc) Difficulty speaking from their power. Having enjoyable sexual relationships.

  • Responsibilities for Someone Else’s Healing Fatigue, sick, bedridden because someone else was sick.

  • Negative Relationship Agreements Physical, emotional, and mental abuse in relationships.

  • I’m not Enough Issues Failure to put life on a positive trajectory.

  • Fatigue Many connections siphoning off their energy.

  • Money Issues Past negative agreements/bargains regarding money.

  • Lack of Focus Too many strains on their energy field.

Soul Re-Alignment is Soul Nourishment

What is the Soul Realignment® Process?
Once you are ready to nourish your soul to be the highest best Self you were meant to be, your soul leaps for joy! You begin by setting an intention for the next six months. It can be anything you desire— more patience, a new job, a beautiful relationship, weight loss, etc. This serves as a line in the sand so you can note your progress.

“I feel emotionally and mentally lighter after my Soul Realignment and personal homework. It is wonderful to recognize the energetic shift when encountering personalities or situations that I now process differently.”    –- Joe Ambrose, MI

As the practitioner I need three pieces of information: 1)your full name at birth; 2) your date of birth; and 3) your place of birth. I then ask permission to go into your Akashic records and retrieve your information. I find your primary energy center, your soul attributes and all that may be impeding your soul’s progress. What once was helpful to your soul in dealing with life situations, is now transmuted, cleared, and dissolved because it is blocking your progress.

“I feel fresh, energized, and more on-purpose since my Soul Realignment with Marge. Although I have been actively and consistently pursuing my higher potential, I could feel hesitation and limitations that I could not identify nor release on my own. The clearing was an instantaneous burst of power for me. Life feels easier and more joyful.” –-Leslie Ambrose, Author, Now What? Stuck-at-Home Schooling, A Care Package for Creativity, Freedom and Active Learning

After I complete the Soul Realignment® process, we arrange a time to meet on The soul reading takes about an hour. You will receive the following: 1) a recording of the call in its entirety; 2) a word document of what was found in your record (according to the intention you set); and 3) your clearing homework which you must read for 21 consecutive days. This takes 2 to 3 minutes a day. During the 21-day period, I am available if you have questions. You may pay by PayPal, Zelle, or by check.

The Soul Realignment® process is one of release. You will feel it physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Excellent self-care during this time is well advised. That means taking enough deep sleep, drinking lots of water, eating nourishing foods, and being kind and compassionate with yourself.

“In my quest to let go of blocks and experiences that prevent clear, open communion with Spirit, my time with Soul Realignment supported and helped move my intentions into a deeper and new experience. Thank you, Marge for supporting me in my journey with Soul Realignment.”   –-Sharon Anderson, Meditation Facilitator, ID

Everyone Truly is Unique!

During this process, you come to realize why you are the way you are or why you do certain things. A side benefit of this process is that you also come to realize and honor the uniqueness of each individual in your life whether they be friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, etc. This helps each of us grow our compassionate nature.

Know Your Child’s Soul

Once you have the profound understanding of who your children are at Soul Level, it gives you the opportunity to parent more effectively. It empowers your communicate with them to be in sync with their primary energy. Parenting becomes easier with this knowledge.

Learning who they are at their deepest soul level helps you align to their innate desires, of who they have come here to be. Paying attention to our innate desires always brings us our greatest joys for a life well lived. Our children are our teachers.

When teens learn who they are at soul level it helps them make choices that are in sync with their primary energy and their unique soul attributes. They make better choices for higher educational pursuits leading to satisfying careers. Having this deeper understanding at a young age emboldens them to follow their soul’s instincts and create the life they desire.

Parenting is challenging! Parenting from Soul Level expands your capacity to parent well. Soul Realignment® has been effective in clearing sleep walking, bed wetting, and some anxiety issues in children.

Our Earth Needs You to Share Your Gifts

Everyone who has moved through the Soul Realignment® process has re-aligned their life’s purpose to their primary energy and their soul’s unique attributes. This work is for all ages. If there are experiences (and/or relationships) in your life, you would rather not repeat, this is the time to nourish your soul and clear them.

You Were Meant to Soar!

Let us all enjoy the song you are here to sing!

If you are ready to begin your process, email me today at to begin a new life!