10 Pounds Lighter 10 Years Younger!

Did you know by the year 2030 nearly 50% of the US population may be classified as obese? That’s why this program is designed for you to take back control of your health!

Take back your health! Diets don’t work! Stop weight gain! There are ingredients in food and certain foods making you gain weight. Did you know zero calorie drinks make you gain weight? You’ll learn about lies and deceptive marketing practices. You will get your metabolism working for you, not against you. These basics are easy to learn and use. They will be your friends for life. But dropping your extra weight is only one facet of this program.

Gut Health is analogous to preparing your soil (body) for a flourishing garden (your health) and is often neglected. Learn how to correct this foundational piece to safeguard your health. Eating yogurt is not enough!

Heart Disease is the number one killer of women globally! Will it kill you? It doesn’t have to. Together we will identify the causes in your life of heart disease, adopt new teachings, and map out practices to change direction to having your heart be healthy. Women are more likely to die of heart attacks, even though they are less likely to have them. And that's because the symptoms differ between the sexes. That means that women and their doctors are like fail to catch the symptoms in time. Why is that? Well that's a bigger societal problem. Sex specific data didn't even exist until fairly recently. From 1996 to 2006 more than 79% of the animal studies published in scientific journal Pain included only male subjects as reported by Cat Bohannon in her book Eve. The female body is more complex with its cycles, pregnancy, and menopause so scientists don't want to take the time to learn about the female body. Including female subjects in scientific studies takes longer, it will delay their publication and perhaps their tenure

Dementia Prevention Can you imagine losing your mind, not knowing your loved ones? Have you experienced this with a loved one? Learn what you are doing or not doing—eating or not eating— that may be setting you up for an unhealthy brain. We will examine the behaviors appearing to prevent dementia in long term studies. There's a team of scientists from a Boston area medical center that have been experimenting for sixteen years with a cure for memory challenges and dementia. It has proven successful with former professional football players plagued with memory problems/dementia. The cure is not a drug!

Incontinence Are multiple nightly trips to the bathroom preventing you from good sleep. Do you know not getting good solid sleep decreases your immunity? Did you know that up to half of women experience urinary incontinence or leaking of urine at some point in their lives, and this increases to 70% of women after menopause? We will have a discussion of causes and practices that have been proven. This knowledge is why some countries re-educate their postpartum women to aid in recovery and prevent symptoms such as urinary incontinence

Breast Cancer  No one is telling you how to avoid it. Having lost my only sister and best friend to this disease has made me look at all aspects of this disease. What ought to be public information is not. Learn what you can do to not be a victim to this devastating disease. Have you ever thought about your clothing with regard to breast cancer? Did you know certain alcoholic beverages are associated with a higher cause of breast cancer?

Calcium Intake Is the amount you are taking too much? For decades women have been told to take high amounts of calcium. There is scientific evidence that the recommended amount of calcium if found to be a causal factor in stroke. Learn what scientific analysis reports and how to rethink quantity and sources of calcium.

My name is Marge Brown. As a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, my Bachelor of Science degree along with my decades-long passion for nutrition and health has enabled me to dig deep in scientific literature, scrutinize data (and its sources), and discern real truth. My passion is helping people to get healthy!

This this is a four-month program beginning October 8th and 9th. We will meet 2 to 3 times a month (10 times in total) live on Zoom for 1.5 to 2 hours. Why four months? So, we can support one another to make small changes in our lifestyle. Small changes, easy adjustments, lead to permanent change. If you miss a class, there will be times to access the recording. There will be handouts, practices, reflection pieces, and homework. This is a transformational process. Are you ready to change? This program will change you and not only will you be 10 pounds lighter, you will be healthier and have more energy!

Cost: $799. Register by Tuesday October 1st and save $199. Cost is $600.

If you have friends or relatives, you feel this program will help, earn a $100 rebate by bringing in a friend who signs up for this program. Sign up at margebrown2020.com under the “10 Pounds Lighter 10 Years Younger!” tab.

Live classes offered: Tuesdays 10am to Noon EST OR Wednesdays Noon to 2PM EST. Program dates are as follows:

October 8,15, 22  OR 9,16, 23  

November  5,12,19  OR  6,13,20

The third  meeting dates in October and November will be more focused on integration of the content and practices of the first two meeting dates and the content will be lighter with less homework.

December 3, 10. OR 4,11

January 7,14 OR 8,15

Can’t make those times? Let me know what days and times work for you to watch recordings and for group coaching. Please use your time zone in communicating. Thank you!

Good Health—for Your Best Life and Longevity!  Invest in Yourself!