Unity as Climate Action Endorser

We, the leadership of Unity Worldwide Ministries (UWM), hear the urgent call to co-create a world that nourishes all life forms. We positively declare our love for and spiritual interconnectedness with all beings, and our responsibility to protect the sustainability of the environment. This bipartisan bill, which considers people, planet, and the economy, is an example of what we can enact to help build a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world. Aligned with the empowering spiritual teachings of Unity co-founders Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, Jesus and other inspired spiritual teachers, we advocate our worldwide prayer partners to take into affirmative prayer and meditation the personal inquiry of “what is mine to do” to improve the quality of life of all beings and our planet.

UWM acknowledges that climate change is real and that human activity is a significant cause of climate change. We hereby affirm our power to restore balance to the planet and all life forms and engage this power through our conscious and compassionate choices. UWM also acknowledges that climate change is an issue resulting in both environmental degradation and social injustice. As such, we commit to serve, as our faith leads us, to take steps in healing the planet. Unity Worldwide Ministries, in accordance with its God-centered Five Basic Principles, commits to advancing the Unity movement by:

1. Promoting active stewardship of the environment and an awareness of our oneness with the earth.

2. Cultivating a consciousness of EarthCare that includes both spiritual and practical actions that support and balance the environment and our human needs, in accordance with Unity’s Fifth Basic Principle, “Through thoughts, words and actions, we live the Truth we know.”

3. Promoting sustainable living practices that honor the earth's ecosystems and resources in a responsible manner.

4. Transforming attitudes and commitments by embracing concrete actions that reduce human ecological impact and promote social justice for all.

5. Educating, supporting and encouraging individuals to align their (individual) lifestyle choices with values that promote environmental sustainability and recognition of their moral imperative to care for creation.