Old Souls

What is an old soul?  Who are they? They are souls who have had tens of thousands of lifetimes.  Having experienced more living, they have accumulated all that learning which makes them wise beyond their years.

Old souls enjoy the simple things in life. They seem to know and value what is truly important. They prefer to be outdoors in nature. They do not buy into materialism nor do they need a bunch of manmade stuff.  They seem to know why they have come to Earth. They tend to be deep listeners and thinkers. They delve into and continue seeking the higher knowledge and deeper truths. They like deep conversations. 

Old souls are at times misunderstood. They like their alone time.  Frequently, they enjoy the company of those much older than themselves.  They may have a challenge finding friends their own age. Most old souls are introverts who avoid noise and crowds. Many old souls are empathic.

Old souls are by their very nature altruistic.  They want nothing to do with greed or egotistical endeavors.  They are down to Earth.  They are not attracted to or stimulated with society’s current agendas.  Old souls have a style all of their own. They adhere to and they can be eccentric. They tend to see through slick marketing campaigns and realize they do not have the need for whatever is currently in vogue. They find joy in the simple pleasures of life.

Old souls are open, honest and sincere. They enjoy helping people.  They are some of the best listeners on the planet.  When they are listening, they are not thinking about their response to what the person is saying. They simply are present and deeply listening. Treasure an old soul friend.  They are rare!