Myrtle Fillmore’s Story

Myrtle was afflicted with tuberculosis at a young age and spent many years believing she was incurably weak and sickly. While attending a lecture by metaphysician Dr. E.B. Weeks in 1886, Myrtle learned of her innate potential for divine healing through the use of affirmative prayer. She began regularly affirming, “I am a child of God, and therefore I do not inherit sickness.” Over time, she was healed of the tuberculosis that had threatened her life.
Myrtle was so excited about her healing discovery that she began working with others in need of healing. Eventually she and her husband Charles pioneered a spiritual healing support system that grew into the Silent Unity 24/7 prayer ministry still operating today at 816-969-2000. Myrtle lived to be 86 years old, making her transition in 1931. Learn more about how Unity changes lives: or