Are Soul Blocks Holding You Back ?

Do you feel like you can never get where you want to go in life?  Do you feel something is blocking your way?  Do you look around at your friends and family members and feel your life is harder?  Guess what ?  There are things blocking your way.

What happens when your sink stops up? Gunk! There’s just a bunch of gunk that prevents the usual free flow of water down the pipe.  Soul stoppages hold us back in life. They prevent our good from coming to us. Whatever good means to you— it could be supportive relationships, trustworthy friends, a job you enjoy, your intention for re-firement (that is after you retire), enough money so you have financial security, your divine partner, improved health and well-being, etc.

What Are Soul Blocks?

Throughout my life I have tried to help people to break through barriers (myself included) and even though they wish to be free of constraints or restrictions holding them back, they remain stuck. It’s disheartening, discouraging and exhausting! The same challenges keep occurring!  

I watched them revolving around the same wheel landing at the exact same spot.

For example:

  •    Do you keep getting in the same relationships with a less than ideal partner or spouse?

  •    Do you seem to lack enough money and always seem to be short at the month’s end?

  •    Do you feel that people are continually taking advantage of you?

  •    Does it seem like you never have enough time?

  •    Are you always putting yourself last?

  •    Do you feel less than or not worthy enough?

  •    Do you get the feeling everyone else’s life is easier that yours?

  •    Are you overwhelmed and overtired with too many commitments?

Our souls record all of our experiences that we have had from our inception. They are called the Akashic records. Consciously or unconsciously, we have made decisions using our free will. Although many have been beneficial, we have made some that are detrimental to our own well-being. Unfortunately, we don’t know what these are.

For us to live free from all constraints and past decisions that negatively impact us, we have to have our souls realigned to its original Divine Soul Blueprint.

What is Soul Realignment®?

Most likely you have read and learned that your subconscious mind runs your life 95% of the time. What is there? How do we know what’s there? All of us have interferences creating havoc in our subconscious minds. When these are cleared you are realigned to your Divine Soul Blueprint — the reason you are here now and living on this beautiful planet.

Until these interferences are cleared, living according to your Divine Soul Blueprint, living in alignment with your Divine Soul Blueprint is impossible! It is like driving down the road and having your front tire constantly pull you to the side of the road. You can’t ever seem to get to your destination!

  •  You might hear what you want to be doing with your life –whether it be changes in relationship, or career, or home, or job – but you just can’t seem to make those changes.

  • You may feel that there’s something that always stops you but you just don’t know what it is, you can’t quite figure it out.

  • You may see yourself doing something else  or living a different life than the one you are now living, yet as the months go by, or the years go by, you just can’t  seem to activate those changes to actualize your vision.

When you have a Soul Realignment® your path toward your goals or intentions is cleared.  It is like taking a big eraser to negative choices of your  past.  Your past decisions no longer block you from obtaining your intentions. Your past is your past. It is not your future! Soul Realignment® allows you to move forward in all areas of your life and live the life of your dreams, the life you were meant to live. This life is your purpose for being here now. When anything is out of alignment it can’t get to its’ destination, its’ intention, or its’ goal.

  • When we hammer a nail that is mis-aligned we have to pull it out and start again.

  • When our cars are out of alignment, they pull to one side and it takes extra effort to get the car back on course.

  • What a piano is out of alignment the song played is inharmonious, because the piano is out of tune.

Soul Realignment® brings your soul back into alignment with your Divine Soul Blueprint. It is a huge course correction. Sometimes in our lives we have made agreements with our loved ones where we might always be on the giving end which may deprive us of enough energy to move forward with our own life‘s purpose.


If in the past we may have taken vows of poverty, suffering, obedience, etc. These are still playing out in our life. For example:

  • If you took a vow of poverty sometime in a past life you might realize you never have enough money. If more money comes into your life you immediately have a car repair, a dental emergency, or an expensive home repair.

  • If you’ve taken a vow of obedience, you may be aware and realize you’re always following the letter of the law which deprives you of true joy and happiness because you resent so doing.

  • If you’ve taken a vow of suffering you may always feel ignored or left out.

This means as we’re trying to move ahead with our intentions there are these things that are holding us back that are preventing us from accomplishing what we want. It is as if we are trying to move ahead and we have a ball and chain around our ankle. How much does that ball and chain weigh? It could weigh 100 pounds? For some it weighs 1000 pounds.

  • It’s like trying to hear clear guidance on a scratchy recording or get clear reception in between two stations. You can’t clearly make out the guidance.

  • You can see your goal clearly down the road and you keep getting off track unnecessarily swayed from your destination. You feel frustrated and confused. It can be depressing to continually put your energy toward something, time and time again, and miss the target.

The Soul Realignment® Process

Soul Realignment® is a highly detailed process.

First: You set an intention for the next six months. It can be anything e.g. weight loss, better relationships, new employment, evolving in consciousness, travel plans, acquiring something new, etc. This serves as a marker, a line in the sand, to bear witness to your progress.

Second: The practitioner asked permission to access your Akashic records. Remember these are the records of all of your experiences on the Earth plane from your soul’s inception. The practitioner asked tons of questions to find out what’s there and even more  questions to clarify specifics. From the information gathered your soul story is like putting the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together.

Third: Once the Soul Realignment certified practitioner learns all there is, she clears all the soul stoppages keeping you from living from your Divine Soul Blueprint —the life you were meant to live— the life of your dreams. This clearing sits in your Akashic record.

Fourth: The next step is we make a telephone appointment where we talk about the findings. This is where discoveries are made about why you made the choices you have made and with that understanding how you can avoid making those same choices.  This is a conversational call. As the Soul Realignment practitioner gives you pieces of information, you ask questions and you can see how these findings have played out in your life.

What You Receive

  • The call is recorded and sent to you within 24 hours of the telephone appointment. You can listen to it and you can download it for future listening.

  • You receive a word document uniquely created to clear what is in your Akashic record.

  • You receive homework. For the clearing to take place it is your free will that intentionally reads the word document 21-days consecutively. Twenty-one days of reading this document is essential. It takes 21 days to recondition your mental body to the effects of the clearing work that has been done in your Akashic Records.  If you miss a day, you just start over.

Results Received from Soul Realignment

  • A person was owed a trust fund and could not obtain it. After finishing her 21-day clearing exercises the flood gates of her prosperity opened. She received her trust fund and $2,100 in holiday gifts of appreciation all within a two-week period!

  • Another person exclaimed joyously when she found out she was from the Arcturian soul group. That had been her favorite word when she was a child. None of the adults in her life knew what it meant.

  • A woman who had many, many  constraints and blockages and was depressed began her clearing late one evening after receiving her reading. She e-mailed the very next morning to say that she had already begun to feel better!

  • A lifetime prisoner feels more relaxed, in charge of his emotions and is less reactive. 

  • A brilliant woman who created something that will help thousands just could not get the words out to explain her program the way she wanted to explain it. She had taken a vow of silence. Now she is able to communicate with clarity and conviction

  • Quite a few people have had 180 degree shifts in relationships once they had their soul realignment. The clearing erased what was making those relationships challenging!

What Your Soul Realignment Does for You

When your Soul is realigned to its original Divine Soul Blueprint what happens?  Your soul stoppages have been erased!  This means you will no longer be stopped by blocks, constraints, vows, and restrictions in your subconscious mind, because they are no longer there! You are free to express who you came here to be—your intended purpose on this Earth.  Nothing stands in your way!  The world needs you! The world needs the contribution your unique talents offer. Go for it!

Why waste another day in your life being blocked by decisions you made aeons ago? Your life could be different!  Make that decision today. Sign up for a Soul Realignment through the Store button tab on the top right of this website.

You will receive an email within 48 hours acknowledging your request and I schedule the work. Give us a week and then we will schedule your reading. If you would like a free 15 minute consultation to see if this work resonates for you, by all means let me know. Email me at

This may be the most important decision you make in your life.

Congratulations! You are on Your Path to Success in Your Life in Any Area You Desire!!!