Soul Development


This soul is the accumulation of all our experiences throughout our lifetimes thus it is always changing. Everything we’ve done, felt, said, and experienced is all part of our soul. It defines the character of our soul. 

Some think of the soul like a kaleidoscope, as it has many different images and reflections. I like the example of the soul being compared to a photographic plate. The light puts the image on the sensitive plate first. Then there is an image on the plate but it’s not visible and to be made manifest it must undergo a process of development.

Throughout our lifetimes we go through many processes. When we make poor decisions or mistakes we have not yet developed into the perfect image as we were made. We have free will. When we go against our guidance, that which our higher self is leading us towards, we usually step off of the path of our soul.  Free will is why we take many, many, lifetimes to develop perfection. 

It is in the subconscious part of our mind where all of the beliefs, experiences and feelings are stored.  Our subconscious mind runs our life 95% of life. While we might believe our conscious, thinking mind is running our life, it does not.  It is our subconscious mind that drives our decision making and runs our life. We were not meant to suffer. Unfortunately, stored patterns, and old belief structures take the helm.These patterns are the reason many of us suffer today and, we do not need to suffer.

  When we make mistakes, questioning why we did what we did, uncovering old belief structures and patterns marks a beginning, a shift in being. It takes work to break apart old patterns and begin doing, and being in a different way.  As we learn and grow, we make better choices and make progress in developing our soul along its intended path.