Coaching for Your Best Life

We grow through the journey of our life’s experiences. It is said we learn most through the difficult parts. At times we may need help to move through those passages. Life is messy and does not always go the way we expect.

A coach asks you powerful questions encouraging reflection. My deep listening to you and reflecting back what I hear is a way for you to listen to your thoughts and your thinking process. It is a venue to explore what might be true also or to discover missing skills and capacities to navigate the next leg of your journey.

  • What is up for you?

  • How is your life working?

The coaching framework is conversational. It’s a way for you to explore your deepest thoughts, feelings, and fears in a safe space. As your coach I hold the container for you to empty out. A coach can help you move through the wrinkles in your life by exploring what’s underneath the folds of those wrinkles and discovering what’s there.

Our earliest coaches were our parents. Some parents were better at parenting than other parents. Many parents parented the way they were parented. We may have picked up some negative thinking or beliefs about ourselves which often play a significant role in what is holding us back. Having those old records playing in the back of our mind keeps us from moving forward.

Through the coaching process we get to release old patterns that have been holding us permanently!

A coach encourages. A coach is an accountability partner who helps you keep on the course you are choosing for your best life!

Our lives are busy. We are trying to do more while having more interruptions, and more to take care of than ever before. We are spread thin. Most of us don’t take the time to fully understand ourselves. Through coaching conversations, the coach helps you identify:

  • What your dreams and desires are?

  • Explore what’s stopping you?

  • What motivates you to live your best life?

  • Are you ready to change?

Sometimes we can live our entire lives without understanding what we truly value or want in our life or for our life. A coach helps you identify what makes your heart sing. A coach can help you decide your best course of action. A coach supports you and helps keep you on track

A coach helps to discover your hidden talents or remind you of your capabilities and capacities by identifying your inner resources. The coaching process draws your answers from within you because a coach trusts you have those answers within you. A coach helps you stay focused on your action steps to get you where you want. A coach meets you where you are today and works with you to assist you in bringing about your desired tomorrow.

Woman—Centered Coaching

Woman-Centered Coaching

Three Months 9 1-hour Sessions $600—$1244.00 through 2024. Email me to learn details of these two life coaching programs.

The What

What is women-centered coaching? It is about breaking through to your Inner Glass Ceilings.

As women, we have a history of being treated as less than first class citizens,

All women fall into one of more of these three over-arching patterns:

  • I’m Invisible

  • I’m Not Enough

  • I’m Alone

 The Why

Through cultural conditioning we have blocks to our true power.

  • Socialized Mindset— we have been entrained to seek external validation from others (e.g. our purpose is to look beautiful). We are threatened by the disapproval of others ( suicide rates in young women over unfavorable social media posts). A few hundred years ago our purpose was to keep the hearth and raise children while the male went to get food, providing, and protecting us. That set-up no longer fits the way our society yet it is our history and is in our DNA.

  • Confidence Gaps— research show women need to be 85% sure of themselves to share an idea. Men need to be only 15% sure of themselves before they share. If a woman has 8/10 requirements for a job she will not apply. If a man has 4/10 he will apply. For women it is a matter on honesty, for men it’s a I’ll figure it out.

  • Expectations Gap—research shows women’s expectations are only 50% of those of men with the same educational and economic backgrounds. Historically we earn less— ask for less money, get less money, retire on less money. Less is more! Yes we work more—longer and harder for less!

  • Power Penalty— this is the way women who express power, agency, or have wealth are judged harshly by both women and men in our society as being selfish and unlikeable which limits advancement opportunities. Male stereotypes: providers, decisive, driven. Women stereotypes: caregivers, sensitive, communal. When women violate societal expectations they are punished.

The How

You move into your next level of self-evolution through a proven process that has worked successfully for 50,000 women in over 100 countries, A coach asking you powerful questions helps you see your inner glass ceilings. Once the invisible is made visible, you can no longer not see it. These are the ways you show up, expectations you have of others, and how others perceive you that enable you to see clearly your pattern. It’s like taking windex to a dust-covered mirror. It takes your self-awareness and your noticing your patterns—how you think, act, and speak. Once these are identified, there are key shifts and power practices you make to more into your new self. It’s a messy, non-linear process of one step forward and one step back. However, once you release the crawling caterpillar way of being and move into the crysallis, you can no longer go back to being a caterpillar. The only way is forward—growing into the beautiful butterfly you came here to be. A coach helps you set up structures for changes to make and is your power partner for your success!

You can put off your desired tomorrow or you can take action today to bring it forth your best life. You decide. Where do you want to be 3 months from now, six months from now or a year from now. A coach helps you get where you want to go.

This work is transformational meaning it brings about permanent change in you.

Now is the time! As we are moving through this transformational period on Earth each one of us is needed to play full out!

I am passionate about partnering with people wanting to live life to their fullest. If your are ready, I would love to be your power partner.