Are you ready to dissolve the stuck areas in your life? Ready to find out your primary energy center and your soul’s attributes and take a quantum leap in your life? Check out these Soul Realignment testimonials and testimonial videos of experiences of Soul Realignment and get ready to soar!

“I enjoyed having a Soul Realignment session with Marge very much. I gained insights that helped me understand some things about my life that I had not known before. It was enlightening and refreshing.”   –-Rev. Donna Loflin, FL         

“What I have experienced after Marge did a Soul Realignment for me has been miraculous! Decades of struggling family relationships have been smoothed out, and I'm experiencing stronger relationships with my siblings than ever before!”   –-Rev. Sandy Boyer, MD

 “Marge has a true gift connecting people to their pure Soul Essence through her Soul Realignment work.  I feel even more deeply aligned with the work I’m doing with more focus and clarity. I feel more lightness in my relationships and my daily life.” –-Natalie Forstbauer, Editor, Heart and Soil magazine

“Although Soul Realignment was a new concept to me, I had an impulse to give it a try.  I know Marge as a highly spiritual person that I trusted to guide me through the process. I received valuable information regarding my Soul’s contracts, points of light and blocks to my energy field.  The process gave me a deeper understanding of my life's purpose and allowed me to get in alignment with my true Self.  I highly recommend Marge and Soul Realignment with its continued incredible benefits.”   –- Linda Sainz, CA                                 

“I feel emotionally and mentally lighter after my Soul Realignment and personal homework. It is wonderful to recognize the energetic shift when encountering personalities or situations that I now process differently.”    –- Joe Ambrose, MI

“Since my Soul Realignment reading with Marge Brown 3 months ago, there have been  substantial changes in my life.  I feel clearer and lighter in my energy and intentions, more deeply connected with my own soul and others and freer of many blocks and negative thought forms that have impacted me my whole life!  Marge guided me through this process gently and supportively and was always there as questions or issues came up.  I am highly recommending this to all my friends and loved ones who are open to the healing and transformation this process provides.”  –-Julia Hobson, Ontario, Canada                                        

“I feel fresh, energized, and more on-purpose since my Soul Realignment with Marge. Although I have been actively and consistently pursuing my higher potential, I could feel hesitation and limitations that I could not identify nor release on my own. The clearing was an instantaneous burst of power for me. Life feels easier and more joyful.” –-Leslie Ambrose, Author, Now What? Stuck-at-Home Schooling, A Care Package for Creativity, Freedom and Active Learning

“In my quest to let go of blocks and experiences that prevent clear, open communion with Spirit, my time with Soul Realignment supported and helped move my intentions into a deeper and new experience. Thank you, Marge for supporting me in my journey with Soul Realignment.”

  –-Sharon Anderson, Meditation Facilitator, ID

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This is a brief introduction to the following shared experiences of a few people who have done Soul Realignment.

Emotional Healing with Soul Realignment.

Julis says it is brand new life since Soul Realignment.

Natalie, a confirmation for what her life is about.. Always following True North, Natalie is Editor in Chief of Heart and Soil magazine helping to regenerate our Earth.

Linda clearing her vow of silence has freed her to speak clearly from the brilliant loving soul she is helping thousands of traumatized kids

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