
When we refer to Spirit what exactly does that mean? We know it is that nonphysical part of us. It is said to be the seat or container for our soul. Spirit is our essence. It is that God essence in each of us. God, I understand to mean, that force am a part of and that which is greater than my force. It is the force in back of all things. God can be light, love, joy, power, peace, intelligence, etc. It is the all that is all.

Spirit is the strongest part of us. It is that intuitive part of us. It is that part of us that knows when we know. When people say, ‘well how do you know?’ And you answer ‘because I just know.’ That is that part of us. That God essence is in each and every person. We are truly made in the image and likeness of the God force.


Soul comprises all experiences from all lifetimes. That means the soul picks up impressions from the subconscious and conscious minds. Children who grow up with people who worry or are ill may become worrying or sick adults because of what they picked up or absorbed in those kinds of environments. Likewise growing up without enough money may lay the foundation for poverty or a scarcity mentality. Food uncertainty or starvation in a life time may cause many psychological issues with food in future lifetimes.

The soul has weight. It weights 21 grams which is ¾ of an ounce. Sometimes when you are with someone right at the moment of their transition you can see the soul leave the body.


All of what constitutes our spirit and our soul manifests into our physical body. Body is our vessel, our temple, our own church if you will? The body does die; our spirit and soul do not die. When we die a physical death, we transition back into the spiritual realm.

Much of human-kind thinks they are the body, hence the global tremendous fear of death. We are in our essence pure spirit.

Everything has a spirit and a soul.

Everything has a spirit and a soul.

Fire Up Your Soul. It is Your Reason for Being!