“Reverend Marge has been instrumental in helping me strive for higher spiritual growth through sacred service, and I have definitely learned so much from her. I appreciated the leadership skills she exhibited to move our church to a better place for all of us to enjoy and share. She has helped me to make progress in organizing our teams into viable entities. I will miss working with her and wish her the best for a bright and exciting future.” —Reecie Dolan, Sacred Service Volunteer Coordinator, Raleigh, NC
“Many people can have a vision but few can do all that it takes to execute that vision. You did. I am glad I was able to help” — Pat Bennett, Board President, The Villages, FL
“It’s been months since my wife passed. That morning, and the love and comfort you provided for me will always be embedded in my mind and heart. You’re my eagle.” —Al Knight, Lady Lake, FL
“We appreciated the vital role you played in finding and manifesting our new spiritual home. It is the lasting tribute to your leadership. We especially appreciate your help and support and bringing the garden and grounds to a state of peace and beauty.” — Gus and Carol Bruno, Summerfield, FL
“During Lent, I’m writing a note to people of influence in my life. I am grateful for all you have done for me when Jay died. You encourage me to really learn and understand Unity principles, model tolerance, sermons, and have been a friend.” —Nancy Nelson, The Villages, FL
It is easy to see God with you. You have led me down a spiritual path,
and I am grateful.” —Sharon Stanton, The Villages, FL
“Thank you for the many prayers, cards, and emotional support you have given to us during Sandy‘s surgery and recovery. We were both very aware of the prayers and your angel continues to watch over us. Don’t know what we would’ve done without the prayers and support of our dear friend. You are such a blessing to us!”
—Paula And Sandy Mills, Lynchburg, VA
“You have helped me to grow and acknowledge the truth of my being. I know I have the power to do all things. One step at a time, I am moving along on my right and perfect path to meet my good and do the things I am meant to do. Thank you for being a wonderful example of a loving presence in my life.”
—Patty Cox, The Villages, FL
“Thanks for your giving all every day that you served our growing congregation. The many successes are directly related to your leadership, teaching, listening and celebrating.
—Tom and Sandy Kramer, The Villages, FL
“Thank you for helping everyone establish a vision of what we wanted for a permanent church home and setting procedures to keep our focus on the goal. The purchase of the land and the building has to be attributed to your leadership.”
—Norm & Jean Bogert, The Villages, FL
“Thank you for mentoring, helping me and encouraging me and yes, pushing—me all of it.”
— Rev. Deni Ralston Ph.D., The Villages, FL
“We thank you for all you’ve done and contributed to our understanding of the Christ consciousness.”
—Carol Quinn and Deborah Hamilton, The Villages, FL
“You helped us recognize our divine potential and put it into action. We put our fears aside and let God’s light come forth. What a blessing you have given us!”
—Jim and Rhonda Hall, The Villages, FL
“I thank you for awakening me on a positive spiritual path. I appreciate your guidance over the past few years that assisted my growth. Likewise, your leadership allowed the congregation to expand and enjoy our own church. What a tremendous legacy!”
—Ed Taylor, Board Secretary, The Villages, FL
“I will always remember your dedication to the task of keeping the church and firm financial ground and at the same time at adhering to Unity principles.”
—Jon Buth, Board Treasurer, The Villages, FL